lördag 2 januari 2010


I would dare to say I was born in the wrong decade cause sometimes I just feel like I would fit so much better in the 60's. Feels like people lived life to the fullest and that many of them actually seemed to care. I don't know, people just didn't seem to be as selfish as most of us are today. Somehow it feels like everything was better during the 60's. The music, the people, the love and all that crap, you know? Of course, I'm aware that there was a war going on, but you know... People were fighting for their freedom and fighting for peace. I just feel like we don't do that much nowadays. We just like to complain about everything and we expect so much from our presidents and you know, you ain't gonna make it if you don't fight.

The world we live in today is so full of crap, violence and corruption. It makes me sick. Sick of being human and ashamed of my generation. We could so much if we only tried. We could, we CAN change the world if we want to but we're just too lazy to even bother. Instead of going out on the streets and demonstrating and fighting for human's rights we're sitting at home watching television and getting fat of all the fast food we've been consuming these past years.

It's a shame, really. We act dumb although we're very smart. We spend so much money on so many unneccessary things, we're so full of shit and so egocentric. With all the technology we have, we're not doing anything, ANYTHING to change things, to make this place to a good place to live in.

This generation sucks.

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