tisdag 12 januari 2010

I've forgotten how good it could be to be alive

I found a new addiction. Tibia. Hm, I don't think my parents will be happy about it, and when it comes to me I rarely get addicted to games (except for left for dead - 1 & 2, quake 3 arena and the sims and so on...), but seriously, I just wanna play tibia untill my fingers fall off. Haha!

I can't sleep, one more sleepless night that I spent by the computer listening to music, eating vegan ice-cream (banana with chocolate), chatting with some friends (and man, I really love Sara right now. She's fucking drunk and hittin' on a lesbian even though she's straight, HAHA you gotta love the woman). It would be really nice if I had vanilla coke or oatmilk with chocolate taste but no, cause the supermarket's been closed since 11 p.m. and opens again at 8 a.m., sometimes my life just seems too hard. I-land's problems, you gotta love 'em.

Anyways, mum called me from Brazil yesterday. I miss my parents cause they make good food and clean the house, lol, just kidding. But no, really, I miss them cause they're awesome. But yeh, mum called and said that she's buying me a loooooooooooot of things and some vegan products cause apparently it's cheaper there. Hm, hell yeah!

Over and out, I'm gonna play some tibia now.

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