fredag 8 januari 2010

I'm only sleeping (or not)

It's 04:48 a.m. (swedish time), seriously I can't sleep. I'm not even tired so there's no point in trying to sleep. I don't know what day it is today, it's probably thursday or friday or maybe saturday. I'm hoping it's thursday, cause if it's friday or saturday I'm one step closer to my schoolstart and I don't want to start school again cause my christmas holiday was just too awesome.

I mean, I've been spending almost three weeks lying in my bed, listening to music, watching lots of movies, reading weird books and drinking lots of tea. I'd do anything to go back in time a few days and just start it all over again.

Anyway, getting more serious now... I've been having this really weird feeling and I hate this stupid feeling. Oh God, when is this gonna end? Am I ever gonna be able to trust in someone again? I'm so scared of loosing him that it's been taking over my mind and I'm turning into a psycho or something. The only difference between me and psycho is that I don't do any kinda of action. I'm no killing anyone... yet. But I bet I'll start killing people if this never ends. Gah, blablabalbablabla love is too complicated for me. I'm just a little girl kinda lost in this weird and mean, very mean, world. Hope this is gonna be okay, I'm not really prepared to loose you and I don't wanna loose you, so please don't leave me ok? Not that you actually have said anything about leaving me, but as I said, this is just me being a psycho and getting scared. Crazy little thing called love and so on!

Hm, now speaking of... ehm love. I don't know what I'd do during my sleepless nights if Ludde wasn't online on msn entertaining me. Bah, he's a nice dude and should have a nice girlfriend...

Over and out, I'm... good, I'm gone!

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