lördag 30 januari 2010

Right now

Right now I would do anything so I didn't have to clean the apartment, wash the dishes, go out in the snow, buy some food and cook.

I've realized that I don't like the grown up life and that I'm not really longing for being a grown up... at all.


You can't help but blame yourself

Today's saturday and I don't know what's wrong with me but I seriously hate weekends nowadays. Nothing happens, it's always the same boring shit. I spend my weekend in my room either sleeping or watching movies on my computer.

I can't wait untill my parents come home, specially now that I know they sell vegan oreos in Brazil, so I'm making them bring me like 17239873218398217932 of oreos. That's awesome and I love my parents and I miss them very much.

Anyway, I've started a tumblr (http://laquiete.tumblr.com).
So follow me or something!


torsdag 28 januari 2010


Cause I'm a fucking lamb

I wear this tigersuit, cause I'm a fucking lamb.

onsdag 27 januari 2010

Endless, nameless

OMG, it doesn't stop snowing. My hair and my fingers were frozen when I got home today. Seriously, dude, WHAT THE FUCK? Gah, 1 month left and then tadaa - SPRING IS HERE AGAIN! Awesomeness...

Now I'm gonna eat my veganbrownies that I baked today, yumms!


I am not, I am not, I am not a machine
I am, I am, I am a human being

tisdag 26 januari 2010

Blood, sweat, intensity

"Say I care too much and I got it all wrong?
I'm in this for the message, it's more than just song
blood, sweat, intensity
every broken knuckle or busted knee
I'm doing my best, and I'm doing my part
don't criticize me man when theres no fire in your heart"

Have Heart - Lionheart

Maybe I'm being a little hypocrite right now, but I just don't understand how people can see things like these and don't do ANYTHING about it. I can't understand how we humans can just watch these poor animals get killed and slaughtered and just cross our arms and watch as if it's okay to treat innocent creatures like that. The way we treat animals is unacceptable and I'm ashamed of the human being.

It's cruel, it's not okay. I don't care how expenssive your fur coat was, I don't care how much you like your beef, it's not okay. It's not okay to kill innocent creatures because YOU need your stupid beef and YOU want your stupid fucking coat. And don't tell me "oh I didn't kill it, we humans are supposed to eat meat because people have consumed meat as long as humans have existed on earth". Well, guess what? For hundred years ago if you wore black and knew how to cure people's illness, you'd get burn because you were a "witch". For not that many years ago, being gay wasn't accepted (and it is still not accepted everywhere). So, why can't we just stop treating animals like shit? I mean, it's year 2010. We all should know better.


Nah, but for real, boring day... I just wanna go home and watch South Park.
At least I bought some Pago carrot juice and coconuts sesame cakes :D

måndag 25 januari 2010


I really want a cat and when I say I want a cat, I mean... I REALLY, REALLY WANT A CAT! I'm so obssessed with the thought of getting a cat that I'm actually considering the idea of stealing my neighbour's cat... Yes, that's how much I want a cat. Unfortunately I'm still living under my parent's roof (well, still and still, I'm only 17 so stfu) and they don't wanna get me a cat.

Life is pretty hard sometimes <- problem of the privileged.



I'm going vegan.

lördag 23 januari 2010

Sometimes I wish I didn't care

"And all those moments I spent screaming at the wall, hoping maybe your picture could answer back. And sometimes, and sometimes, I wish I didnt care.
Yes, sometimes I wish I coulld never hear your voice then maybe this would be easy, maybe this would be as simple as the way it hurts you, without thought or reason, without a shred of compassion"

Ruiner - Getting Over The Overs

fredag 22 januari 2010


I've got a feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night

Going to eat some vegtacos with Sara and Arash and then watch a bad movie.
Some people just make my life so much easier... Love you guys!

torsdag 21 januari 2010


It's hard to go back, you know...

Shout Out Louds - Impossible
Nostalgia trip

It's scarry how the lyrics in this song express everything so fuckin' well.
At least when it comes to... Better not mention it.

onsdag 20 januari 2010

Carash Carcrash

OMG, February is gonna be the best month eveeer.
Show with cool bands, get my cheeks pierced, my parents come home!

Now I'm gonna get dressed and go to Stockholm with Arash, and yeah, I kinda skipped school today... :$

tisdag 19 januari 2010

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

C: You know me, I'm impulsive.
J: That's what I love about you.

Sara is coming over with some brownies so she can cheer me up a little bit.
I know I said that I had a feeling that today was gonna be a good day, and it was... Untill I sat on the buss on my way home. I hate missing people, it's the worst feeling ever. It's kinda worse than being in love with someone who doesn't love you... Oh well.

circa survive

Mediocrity is a fucking cancer

Good morning! It's 8:56 a.m. and I slept the whole night untill 6:30 a.m.! Ate some breakfast - multivitamin juice + a toast + soy yoghurt with vanilla and banana, looked outside the window and saw how pretty it is outside, it's a typicall winter morning and even though I hate winter, I have to admit that it's really pretty outside. Grabbed the camera, took a picture while listening to Ruiner.

I've got a feeling that today is gonna be a good day, Haha.

good morning @ yall

måndag 18 januari 2010


My mobile just broke and now my life's ended. Literally. I can't comunicate with people and ask them stuffs like "oh what time do we start tomorrow?" and I'm never gonna wake up or be able to fall asleep without my phone. MAN, life sucks big time!

It was an old (and by old I mean VERY old) and yeah, I was just using it because my other one broke too. But seriously, HOW could I possibly break the eldest cellphone in the human history?!? The UNBREAKABLE-phone??? Well, I don't know! Oh my god!


HAHAHA, Oh yeah, I'm at school today! :D
Kinda awesome because my babes are here and I lurv them <33

I have this much fun at school!

Bby Arash and I <3

Sara, me and Arash

Me and Arash

Sara and I


Kawaii HIHIHIHI nippon ^________^

I know the vid in swedish but gtfo, it's awesome anyways!

I've given all I can and it's not enough

I don't know why, but I just feel so... sad. It's been a while ago since I felt like this, maybe it's just me missing my parents or maybe it's just me missing H or maybe it's just me wanting to cry the hell outta me without having a real reason to do that.

It's like I have something inside me, something that just wants to come out. Something that's hurting my heart and it sucks, cause I hadn't felt it in a while now. I've always hated it tho and I don't even get why it's coming back now.

Maybe I'm just stressed cause I have so many things to do at school or maybe it's the nostalgia, the thoughts that I haven't really thought of since last summer. Maybe it's just me being the old me, but I don't know, I'm confused and I know nothing. Really.

Nobody gets it, I dont get it myself. I don't know what's wrong and I wish I could say what's wrong. I wish I could just point at something and be like "Yeah, so this is what's wrong", but I can't cause nothing's really wrong, nothing except for me. I'm wrong, I'm always wrong.

I miss my mum and my dad so much because somehow they can make it so much easier even tho they can be a big pain in the ass. They make it better, they try so hard to make things better. I love them, I really do.

I should go to bed, but how could that be possible when I woke up for an hour ago? However, I'm going to school tomorrow. Cause staying at home everyday isn't doing me any good. It's just messing up with my head and the way I live my life. I had no idea what day it was today untill I logged in on photodiary, sick huh?

But yeah, whatever, gonna do my homeworks now. Kudos!

lördag 16 januari 2010


omgomgomg she's naked omg

It's 08:40 a.m. in 20 minutes I'm allowed to play the guitar without having my neighbours never ending whine. I spent the night chatting with nerds on chatroulette, they kept asking me to show them my breast. Pfft, like that would happen... HAHA!

Anyway, I just finished my breakfast or maybe it was more like lunch/dinner but it was breakfast food, cereals with soymilk and chocolatesoymilk, very tasty if you ask me.

Over and out, I'm gonna get dressed and go out to buy some stuffs at the supermarket...
Hmhm, that's it.

Peace out!

Burn in hell!

Since I'm a person with so much hate inside my beautiful and little, but yet big heart, I think I'm gonna start a new category in this blog, it's called "Burn in hell!" where I'm gonna write about something that REALLY bothers me.

So there we go, first "Burn in hell"-post.

Something I really hate is when people don't get that you actually don't give a SHIT about their whine. They don't go away either, they keep calling you and texting you like a thousand times telling you that they hate their lives and want to die and if you don't answer their call or textmessages, well, they keep bothering you even more and if they realize that you ain't gonna answer the phone, well, they decide to bother you on the internet.

Holy crap! If I'm not answering that's because I DON'T GIVE A FUCKING SHIT! Now burn in hell, motherfucker!

fredag 15 januari 2010



Are you lonely just like me?

Matilda's gone for the weekend which means I'm all alone for almost 3 days.
Things I have to do while she's gone (hihihi, I know she's reading it!):
  • Walk around the apartment... Naked.
  • Watch movies with Jake Gyllenhaal, just because I know she loves him.
  • Go back to my normal life, which means going to bed before 1 a.m.
  • Do my homeworks (I know I said I was gonna do them today but I'm too tired).
Hm thats pretty much everything I'm gonna do while Matilda is gone!

Now I'm off to watch family guy & south park and MAYBE - I know I should but I really need it - get some rest cause I'm really really tired and sleepy.



OKAY, Gonna do my homeworks now cause I'm awesome!

One more day to complain my servant

Okay, one more night that I spent sitting in front of the computer, eating soucream & bernaise chips and drinking vanilla coke. This isn't good but I swore to myself that on monday I'll hopefully be 100% health and my throat won't be killing me, so I'll be able to go to school, which I'm definitly gonna do.

I just realized that so far I haven't done anything that I promised myself I would do this year. I haven't stopped biting my nails, I haven't started to work out, I have definitly not done anything to get A+'s at school... Hm, this ain't good. So, I decided that today I'll start doing things I have to do. You know, schoolworks and shit like that. I will even write the book review that I'm supposed to write about A Clockwork Orange... It will probably not take that long time cause I know that book very well, so yeah! And I will also do all the things I have to do on civics. Freaking good idea, isn't it? YEAH!

Blabla, this blog is starting to get pretty boring, not that it's ever been interessting, it just feels like I write about the same stuffs all the time, I'll try to write some more interessting things.

Now I'm off to do my homeworks while listening to Nirvana, freaggin' awezzumm1!!111!!one!!!

torsdag 14 januari 2010

Bump deh hump u got et

I have this song inside my head and it won't go away. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH



I'm fucking angry right now. Stupid menstrual cramp is killing me. Sometimes I just hate that I belong to the female gender.
I'm freaking tired too and this guy killed me on tibia, so man, I'm mad. Really mad. Yeah!

Blablabla, Black Metal ist krieg!
Hail satan

00:47, lol

I can't sleep, still. I tried to stay up the whole day yesterday and I managed to be awake for 30 hours and then I fell asleep. Woke up by 6:30 pm, hungry as fuck and with the worst headache and fever ever. Man, whats up with me being sick 75% of my life? It's like I have the HIV-virus and that's the reason why I keep getting sick all the time.

I called in sick for this week. I don't think I'll be able to go to school this week so I can aswell just stay at home and chill untill I get better, maybe I should go and see the doctor tomorrow, but I don't know about that. We'll see.

For my surprise I didn't played tibia yesterday (wednesday), maybe I shud go place now so I can level up, hehehe.

Vanilla coke is as well making me company and being the greatest lover ever. Seriously, if vanilla coke would disappear from my life, I'd probably choke down and die. It's true.

Hm, anyways, I'm out.

onsdag 13 januari 2010


i'm sorry...

I love you, baby <3

What would I do without you, my sweet and beloved Vanilla Coke?
Thank's for making my life worth living and making me happy EVERYDAY.

tisdag 12 januari 2010

I've forgotten how good it could be to be alive

I found a new addiction. Tibia. Hm, I don't think my parents will be happy about it, and when it comes to me I rarely get addicted to games (except for left for dead - 1 & 2, quake 3 arena and the sims and so on...), but seriously, I just wanna play tibia untill my fingers fall off. Haha!

I can't sleep, one more sleepless night that I spent by the computer listening to music, eating vegan ice-cream (banana with chocolate), chatting with some friends (and man, I really love Sara right now. She's fucking drunk and hittin' on a lesbian even though she's straight, HAHA you gotta love the woman). It would be really nice if I had vanilla coke or oatmilk with chocolate taste but no, cause the supermarket's been closed since 11 p.m. and opens again at 8 a.m., sometimes my life just seems too hard. I-land's problems, you gotta love 'em.

Anyways, mum called me from Brazil yesterday. I miss my parents cause they make good food and clean the house, lol, just kidding. But no, really, I miss them cause they're awesome. But yeh, mum called and said that she's buying me a loooooooooooot of things and some vegan products cause apparently it's cheaper there. Hm, hell yeah!

Over and out, I'm gonna play some tibia now.

söndag 10 januari 2010

High five, atom bomb!

It's the only solution to the world's problem. Call me pessimist, I know I am, but it's all your fault. Sick bastards...


"I'm glad I didn't die before I met you".

Você se torna o mais especial, a pessoa que me deixa feliz e eu nem sei bem como você conseguiu ou o que você fez, você apenas é.
Eu te amo, okay?

fredag 8 januari 2010

I'm only sleeping (or not)

It's 04:48 a.m. (swedish time), seriously I can't sleep. I'm not even tired so there's no point in trying to sleep. I don't know what day it is today, it's probably thursday or friday or maybe saturday. I'm hoping it's thursday, cause if it's friday or saturday I'm one step closer to my schoolstart and I don't want to start school again cause my christmas holiday was just too awesome.

I mean, I've been spending almost three weeks lying in my bed, listening to music, watching lots of movies, reading weird books and drinking lots of tea. I'd do anything to go back in time a few days and just start it all over again.

Anyway, getting more serious now... I've been having this really weird feeling and I hate this stupid feeling. Oh God, when is this gonna end? Am I ever gonna be able to trust in someone again? I'm so scared of loosing him that it's been taking over my mind and I'm turning into a psycho or something. The only difference between me and psycho is that I don't do any kinda of action. I'm no killing anyone... yet. But I bet I'll start killing people if this never ends. Gah, blablabalbablabla love is too complicated for me. I'm just a little girl kinda lost in this weird and mean, very mean, world. Hope this is gonna be okay, I'm not really prepared to loose you and I don't wanna loose you, so please don't leave me ok? Not that you actually have said anything about leaving me, but as I said, this is just me being a psycho and getting scared. Crazy little thing called love and so on!

Hm, now speaking of... ehm love. I don't know what I'd do during my sleepless nights if Ludde wasn't online on msn entertaining me. Bah, he's a nice dude and should have a nice girlfriend...

Over and out, I'm... good, I'm gone!

torsdag 7 januari 2010

Fairy Deer

Pissed off as fuck but thank God there's DaviantART and Google. I can entertain myself by searching for pictures of cute animals, specially deers and foxes.
This whole day has been just... crappy. Things can get pretty bad sometimes in this motherfucking thing we call life.

Neil Perry - I'm Sad For You

I really really really miss my mum

Oatly, yummie!

Drinkin some oatmilk with chocolate and drooling over Zoey Deschanel.
Seriously, can someone please give me her looks? Thank you very much!

måndag 4 januari 2010

Pourquoi les inconnus restent-ils inconnus?

Daïtro and impulssive haircut.
And ps: i love chips and chocolate

And they were all yellow

Blablablablablabla too cold outside, too snowy, too much winterish for me.

lördag 2 januari 2010


I would dare to say I was born in the wrong decade cause sometimes I just feel like I would fit so much better in the 60's. Feels like people lived life to the fullest and that many of them actually seemed to care. I don't know, people just didn't seem to be as selfish as most of us are today. Somehow it feels like everything was better during the 60's. The music, the people, the love and all that crap, you know? Of course, I'm aware that there was a war going on, but you know... People were fighting for their freedom and fighting for peace. I just feel like we don't do that much nowadays. We just like to complain about everything and we expect so much from our presidents and you know, you ain't gonna make it if you don't fight.

The world we live in today is so full of crap, violence and corruption. It makes me sick. Sick of being human and ashamed of my generation. We could so much if we only tried. We could, we CAN change the world if we want to but we're just too lazy to even bother. Instead of going out on the streets and demonstrating and fighting for human's rights we're sitting at home watching television and getting fat of all the fast food we've been consuming these past years.

It's a shame, really. We act dumb although we're very smart. We spend so much money on so many unneccessary things, we're so full of shit and so egocentric. With all the technology we have, we're not doing anything, ANYTHING to change things, to make this place to a good place to live in.

This generation sucks.

fredag 1 januari 2010

Love is all, love is you.

I had fun yesterday, afterall. Spent my New Year's eve sober and fooling pedofiles on the internet. If you ask me, funnier than getting all drunk and acting like an ass!

So, happy new year motherfuckers and yes, this year I'm gonna quit biting my nails, I'm gonna be nicer to my parents (specially my mum), I'm gonna learn how to take care of money, I'm gonna help a little bit more at home (clean my room more often and do the dishes), I'm gonna get better at school and mhm, that's all I can come up with right now!