tisdag 22 december 2009

Just random thoughts

I love christmas, I love the smell of gingerbread and I like to sit at home watching Disney's Christmas Special and I really love spending time with my annoying but still wonderful parents. But there's one thing I really hate about Christmas... It's that stupid song "Hallelujah". You can hear it exactly everywhere and I mean, COME ON! There are other songs that you can sing during Christmas. Blargh!

Anyway, my throat hurts, my head aches and I wanna go home to my bed. I'd also like to have a cat. My friend Daniela has a cat. He's cute and yesterday when I was cuddling with him he jumped on my cellphone when I was reading a text message from my beloved my boyfriend.

Over and out, I don't really know what I'm doing right now, I'm too tired to put my thougths together and I think I'm a little bit hungry but I'm not sure, cause for 15 minutes ago I wasn't hungry but oh well, whatever. Wohoo, my christmas holiday starts today!

Oh well, goodbye

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