söndag 6 december 2009

If I trust in you, oh please, don't run and hide

I'm feeling so... I can't even find words to describe how I'm feeling right now. I'm happy and I feel all bubbly even though I got a fever and a stupid headache that kinda stops me from thinking and makes me forget about what I was going to write.

What can I say? Oh boy, you give me butterflies. They keep waving with their wings and it gives me the most confortable and happy feeling someone can ever get. It makes me feel like I wanna go somewhere that we can be alone by ourselves, where I can show you how much I care for you and how much I like you. Cause man, I really like you and I like everything about you. Every single thing about you. I like the way you talk, walk. The way you touch my skin and kiss my lips. The way you laugh at me and even the way you are when you're being a little evil. I like the way you hold my hand and make me warm and I really adore the feeling I get everytime I'm near you and I realized today that I don't need much from you, I just need to hear your voice to know that everything's fine and that I'm damn sure that you're the greatest thing that could've happened to me right now.

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