torsdag 17 december 2009


You know the fear of loosing something you just got? Well, I do. I also know how it feels every time my heart stops when you don't reply to my text messages or when you give me too short answers. Trust me, not the greatest feeling on this planet.

Maybe it has something to do with all the jerks I've once insisted to call "my boyfriend" or maybe it's just the fact that my heart beats so fast every time you hold my hand. Or maybe it is the way you are or shall I say, maybe it's who you are. You are so great and you make me feel in love and think "alright, please, don't leave me". I'm scared that you'll leave me, cause you wanna know a secret? I LOVE YOU, and I'm not just saying this because people expect you to automatically love your boyfriend/girlfriend, I'm saying this because I mean it. I mean it with every heartbeat and breath I take. I LOVE YOU.

So, thank you for being mine. Thank you for letting me love you and please, don't go away.

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