onsdag 29 juli 2009

fredag 24 juli 2009

emotion sickness

what day is it today?
is it friday or is it saturday?

torsdag 23 juli 2009

the dandy cowboys


onsdag 22 juli 2009

Future reflections

It's funny how I sometimes can find joy in simple things such as reading a book, listening to a good song and having a deeptalk with someone i care about. It's also funny how I can feel all happy about little stuffs and little words and things that probably don't mean much to others but mean the whole world to me. It's interessting how I can get excited and feel free but at the same time sad and unsatisfied.
The world keeps turning, life keeps going and you can't stop it. That's the way it is. You can't stop living just because you lost something or maybe someone you loved. You're gonna miss it sometimes, you'll wish it was all yours again and then you'll forget it all over again. It's a weird cicle, but it's the way I'm living and also leaving. Cause I'm leaving all the memories behind, I'm moving on, I'm taking care of things and dealing with feelings and my emotions the way I should've done for a long long time ago. I guess I was too scared to move on, and I guess i held on to the memories way too long.

tisdag 21 juli 2009

fade in, fade out

I forgot to update my blog. Anyway, yesterday was good. Went to town with Rebecca, Johan, Säl and Nic. I had fun.
Today has both Säl and Rebecca left me so now i'm all alone in this shitty town. Hate it!
I'm sick, my throat is killing me. I have nothing more to say.
Oh YES, I DO HAVE! I got a fringe yesterday cus i was bored :)))

lördag 18 juli 2009

Gemelli Siamesi

I wanna watch skins NOW! But i'm still downloading the first season!
Tomorrow I'll meet Johan and we're gonna eat ice-cream and get all fat and talk about weird stuffs and then later me and my mom are going to the cinema. I dunno which movie we're gonna watch but i'm hoping for harry potter! :DD *cheers*

Anyway, i'm in love with my dad's closet. It's filled with pretty clothes. Sometimes i wish i was boy

fredag 17 juli 2009

Why are you so far away?

J is better than everybody else in this whole fucked up planet.
I love you for who you are, honestly, you're the best thing that could happen to me right now. Thank's for making my world spin again.

torsdag 16 juli 2009


mum and dad are back
the cranberries

describes my day pretty well!
oh i wanna see the new harry potter movie!

good morning

i hate when i wake up and realize that you're not lying by my side


I seriously feel like a zombie or something zombie-ish. I have changed my sleeping time. Sleep the whole night, awake the whole day. But, it's summer, i have no school and nothing important to do.
Gah, i need to get away from this shit country for a while.

So, here's my list with things I do while everybody is sleeping and i'm awake:
* Think of weird things and say weird stuffs. I started thinking of sigur ros after i thought of björk. Cus i realized, björk is from iceland and so is sigur ros.
* I start talkin with myself
* I feel like i need to pee all the time, but i'm not. It's just the effect of the gallons of water that i've been drinking.

After this weird shit i'm definitly gonna watch donnie darko. The download has just finnished and i'm gonna make Rebecca watch it with me cause i dont like the creepy bunny!

Oh btw, i realized that i've become asexual or something like that. I just realized that i dont get turned on anymore. Oh god, what the hell is wrong with me
Ok, time for some yoghurt!



Zombie, hey, what's in your head?

onsdag 15 juli 2009

amateur standing

to go from "i haven't written anything" to "oh 3 posts only tonight", i'm feeling like a real blogger.
after sitting and thinking weird thoughts while waiting to finish the download of donnie darko, i came to the conclusion that:
1. love sucks when the person you love dont love you back.
2. this is so far the worst summer ever.

i also came to the conclusion that perharps a makeover, a lot of money, a new bag and a puppy would brig me back to life!

Anemic amour

Ok, since my last post was about how much i miss my superjerkexboyfriend this one is about how much i miss my parents.
HAHA, i feel like a little brat right now BUT GODDAMMIT please mum, please dad, DO NOT leave me alone at home again! I hate cleaning, i hate cooking and i really hate being hungry cause i hate cooking! So please mum, please dad, do not go anywhere without me!

Anyway, i just wanna say that Amanda Woodward is a fucking great band and i like them a lot
and oh well yeah right ive been thinkin about going darkhaired again!
aah fuck this, going to watch a clockwork orange and then donnie darko.
great movie night, alone by myself.