måndag 13 april 2009

Trolley Wood

12 days left
School tomorrow
Trolley Wood

måndag 6 april 2009

your love is something i cannot remember

I wonder how the hell we got here, cause i feel like i kinda hate everything you do and i feel that it's the same way for you.
Well, i hate this, seriously, i hate fighting cause even though i hate the way you are, i love who you are, or at least, were. I miss the old times, i miss when there were only you and me in our relationship, instead of you and me and thousand more people. I hate this, i hate this so much and i dont know for how long i'm gonna be able to deal with this. I'm sick and tired of this whole shit and sometimes i'm sick and tired of you. I miss you, i miss us... this sucks.

lördag 4 april 2009

Time left for love

Yay, finally! Today i bleached my hair and dyed it blond! It's kinda orange/red/blond but i seriously LOVE IT! I'm totally like in love with my hair!
Yesterday i had my first "concert" or whatever you're gonna call it. 5 songs, first time i sang in front of a group of stranger. It went better than i expected

Hm i cant make my diet work. I should become a bulimic!

torsdag 2 april 2009

Why don't you give love?

 I'm so tired of school, seriously. It's killing me, i'm sitting here in this very white and blue room with a lot of computers and i feel so out of space. I feel like going somewhere else since my head's somewhere else and i seriously can't concentrate on anything else than my own toughts. I hate school, it's too annoying and it takes too much of my attention to be honest. So i feel like going home but i cant cause i still have one lesson left, although i could be at home writting my essays that i have to hand in tomorrow! I'm sooo stressed! School is definitly gonna kill me anytime soon, but still i'm glad cause tomorrow is friday and the day before easter holidays, which means i'll have exactly 10 days off from school and how i need these 10 days off!
  The weather is not as nice and warm as it was yesterday, but i think i can deal with it cause its not snowing and it's not that cold eather, but i wouldn't complain if the sun started shining again like it did yesterday. 

onsdag 1 april 2009

Le plus beau du quartier

I kinda regret that i got up at 8 o'clock this morning to go to school. Cause i only had like one lesson in 30 minutes and i have to stay at school untill 15:00 because i have a math test.
The weather today is pretty awesome and i feel like eating ice-cream and playing guitar the whole day, but since i'm on a diet, at least trying to get one, i'm not eating my beloved ice-cream. I feel like dying because i really love ice-cream, but i guess i have to deal with it cause in 24 days i'll be having an audition to the swedish version of american idol and well, popstars (not that i wanna be the next britney spears or christina aguilera...) have to be thin and look gorgeous all the time! So, i'm on a diet and that's the way it is. Instead of eating ice-cream i'll be drinking water which also is good but not as sweet and tasty as ice-cream...