tisdag 11 maj 2010

Take me anywhere, I don't care.

The Smiths is filling my room with their music, the sun is shining through my window (that I've left open this morning). I love that something smells good, but I don't know what smells good. I'm so curious I'm going nuts.

torsdag 29 april 2010

to rotten, too real, to live

I'm confused.
So confused that I fear my brains are gonna explode.

That wouldn't be good.
It will be good.
I'm no good.
For you.

fredag 23 april 2010


You know when you get so nervous that you think you're stomach is gonna fail you and make you puke on everybody that is in the same room as you? Well, I feel like that all the time and for no reason. I've been feeling so unsure and scared lately... Afraid of loosing those little things I care about.

Besides that, everything really makes me bored. I should be paying attention to more things than I do. I really should, but I can't.

I want to be in the same room as you. Forever. I want to hold you so tight that you won't be able to breath and I'll probably crush your bones although you're much bigger than I. I wanna hear your voice in the morning and laugh at your stupid jokes. I wanna sleep feeling your arms around me, holding me tight even though I hate spooning while sleeping (I want to be free to move around the bed, you see). I wanna hold your hands and kiss you sometimes. You're probably the most precious thing I have in mind right now.

lördag 17 april 2010

"I like picnics"

"I like picnics"
"You do?"
"Yeah, I do. As much as I like the smell of the spring
and the way the wind touches my face everytime it blows."

I remember that, do you?

torsdag 1 april 2010

20:25, i think i'm back

131 posts, 132 with this one.
I haven't written anything here because my head is as empty as I am.
School fucks with my brain.
Music fucks with my brain.
Love fucks with my brain
Food fucks with my brain.

I've been getting brain fucked a hella often lately
and I don't know what I think about that.
Anyhow, you're probably the prettiest thing I have ever seen
and man, I really wish you were right here.

tisdag 23 februari 2010

do it for the sake of...

i suck at blogging, but here's the deal, i have a new blog - in swedish.
that's why i haven't written anything in a while.
the reason why im posting here right now is because anton likes reading my blog, haha.

anyway, all i can say is:
  1. my parents come home tomorrow, that's good. i miss them.
  2. o'boy (swedish chocolatedrink) is vegan! :D
  3. i've pierced my cheeks.
  4. school sucks
that's it

söndag 7 februari 2010

will you love me more than her?

I had almost forgotten that I had a blog, actually no I hadn't but I'm more active on tumblr now. I have nothing to write about and nothing important to say. It's like I've somehow become empty. No words, no soul. Just thoughts, random thoughts that I can't write anything about because I can't find the right words to describe them and if I don't use the right words people might get me wrong.

All I can say is life's good. My parents come home soon, I'm getting my cheeks pierced in 1 week and 5 days, John is awesome and he bought me cs today, haha!

That's pretty much it, school is stressing but I'm trying my best to make things work out there too. Soooo, yeah!
