tisdag 31 mars 2009

13 steps up

25 days left. I'm nervous as hell.

I left school earlier today, cause i didn't feel well... So now i'm at home, bored as hell and i should be working on my swedish homework, studying for my math, radio/tv test but instead i'm sitting here cause i'm such a looser, HA HA!
On friday i'll be singing and playing guitar at this coffee place and i'm freaking nervous. I dont really like standing on the stage but i guess it would be a good training since, he he, i want to become a singer someday (well, keep dreaming, honey!). Oh well, all i hope for is that i'll do just fine and that i dont mess it up...

I guess i should go and start doing some mathproblems.... I need vacations sooo badly....

Good day sunshine!

 Oh it's sunny and warm and i feel all happy and cute with my perfect red baret on my head! I just cant help but i am so glad. The weather is so pretty today, i feel like jumping around and singing beatles' songs all day long! 

måndag 30 mars 2009


I'd like to say that today was my lucky day!
I found the cuttest red beret that i've been dying to find for the past 5 months! Anyway, i found it and bought it of course. It was kinda exepenssive but i dont care really, it's so cute and oooh i'm in love. Oh well, i wont be able to buy anything for the next 3 weeks. I think i can manage that, at least i hope so.
Anyway, my diet is totally fucked up. I have no selfcontrol, seriously! Today i had this delicious piece of chocolate cake and now i'm sitting here and eating some chips! Gah, i have to tell my parents to give me some kinda of punishment for eating junkfood!

YAY, next week's easter holiday!


söndag 29 mars 2009

I need

I need to stop eating junkfood.
I need to stop drinking my chocolate.
I need to stop eating my chocolate.
I need to stop getting mad for little things.
I need to stop being angry all the time.

I need to start a diet.
I need to start taking care of myself.
I need to start being nicer to people.

ps: by the time i was writting this i was eating chocolate and drinking festis. SO NOT COOL!


I am... I dont know who I am and that's exactly why i decided to start writting. I want to get to know myself.